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Keys to Successful Coloring and Journaling


Are you intimidated by color? Have you ever wondered why some colors just don’t look good next to each other? Let me tell you a little secret, artists use a color wheel and so can you! On the back cover of this coloring book, you will find an example of a color wheel, a good version of colors that work well with one another as well as one that doesn’t.

Color wheel.png
BEAUTIFUL colors.png
UGLY colors.png

Example of beautiful

color combination.

Example of ugly

color combination.

A COLOR WHEEL, also known as a color circle, is a circular chart that displays the 12 basic colors:


3 PRIMARY: Red, Yellow, Blue

3 SECONDARY:  Orange, Green, Violet (Purple)

6 TERTIARY: Yellow-Green, Yellow-Orange, Blue-Green, Blue-Violet, Red-Violet, and Red-Orange


Primary colors cannot be created by adding any other color. When combining 2 primary colors together, you produce what is called secondary colors: Yellow + Blue = Green, Yellow + Red = Orange, Blue + Red = Violet. Finally, by mixing the secondary colors together, it creates what is called tertiary colors. These colors are Yellow-Green, Yellow-Orange, Blue-Green, Blue-Violet, Red-Violet, and Red-Orange.


ANALOGOUS colors are those colors that are next to each other. The analogous color to blue is blue-violet and blue-green for example.


COMPLEMENTARY colors on the color wheel are opposite of one another such as yellow is to violet (purple), orange is to blue and red is to green.


HUE is the color’s pure form.


TINT is created by adding white to a color.


TONE is formed by adding gray to a color.


SHADE is obtained by adding black to a color.


Colors are also referred as WARM (Red, Yellow, Orange) or COOL (Green, Blue, Violet).


Thus, a color wheel is a helpful tool for artists and non-artists alike by visibly showing the various relationships between each of the colors represented on the color wheel.


I invite you on a voyage of both coloring, thought and journaling to explore your world of creativity, meditation and self-expression. By engaging in all three of these activities, you will allow your mind to not only relax from a stressful day, but enhance your well-being by visual and written meditation. By experimenting with color, you will open up a whole new outlet into your world by seeing your environment as a channel of untapped expression that is waiting to burst open with new life. As you engage in this multi-layered meditative coloring book, think on the words and listen to what your spirit is telling you about them. Meditate on how each word can apply to your life right now and take some time to journal the thoughts and expressions that they convey. There are no wrong answers in this exercise, so feel free to unleash the hidden treasures there of. You started this journey for a reason, so don’t be bashful to unlock the door that is waiting for you to discover a new you! 


Remember, as you navigate through the pages of this coloring book, give yourself permission to let the inner child come forth and reconnect with the imagination that might have gone dormant over time. 


Take the time to explore the depth of thought by giving yourself freedom to express your heart on these pages of creativity. Finally, reflect on the words of encouragement throughout the day to create a more positive and uplifting atmosphere around you.


It is my sincere desire that this book will help you to unleash your creativity and well-being through the simple act of coloring and writing the expressions of your heart.
As you partake in each activity, you will not only unleash the artist in you, but pen the words that create a masterpiece with every page. I challenge you to rise above where you are today, and eagerly explore the untapped creativity within your soul.



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