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Foundations of Faith - Bible Study Journals


Bible Study & Prayer Journal: 10 Week Bible Study and Devotional, with Scripture Inspired Prayers.

These prayer journals are like no other. These contemplative books can be used as a journal, a devotional, a Bible study for individuals or groups, as a deeper exploration of God’s promises to us in His word, or even as a platform for sermons. These multi-layered journals provide 10 weeks of exploration on a single foundation of faith. 

Each week contains:

  • A Bible Study: A one-page teaching that builds upon itself each week to encourage and strengthen your walk with God and help you to achieve your goal in a deeper way.

  • Guided Prayers: A prayer for each lesson as well as a memory verse, golden nugget and declaration to help you through your journey.

  • Journal Pages with Prompts: Plenty of space on each page to write down what you are thankful for, what you are needing the Holy Spirit’s guidance in, prayer requests, what is on your heart/mind, and questions to ponder.

  • Blessings: A full page dedicated to record your answered prayers and blessings to monitor your growth.

    As you study the holy words in these devotionals, our goal is for you to the hear voice of the Holy Spirit. As you give yourself freedom to express your heart and reflect upon His word in these journals, our goal is for you to discover who you are as a student of the Word. And finally, as you meditate on the words of encouragement and scriptures in these bible studies, our goal is to promote a positive and uplifting atmosphere to surround you.


109 pages , Paperback - $7.99


Mindful Spirals Coloring Books

Why my approach to coloring is
more fun and educational! 


Creating: verb (used with object), to cause to come into being,

as something unique that would not naturally evolve or

that is not made by ordinary processes.





I have always been creative. For as long as I can remember, coloring of any kind, as well as drawing and painting, have been at the center of my life. They provided me with a constant source of expression; a means to act out and experiment; a silence into which I could retreat and rejuvenate, a light that illuminated some of the darkest moments in my life; a whisper that restored my faith and balance. Coloring, painting and drawing are the passionate expressions of my life.  


Thankfully I was able to blend this passion into my professional life. I found as a teacher, of both children and adults, that students relaxed and were able to retain information as they colored and listened to my class instructions. Using art made learning more fun and less intimidating. Coloring filled the silence and allowed my students to focus, to hear not only me, but themselves as well. Clearly, if the Mozart Effect worked with music and learning, why not the Van Gogh effect with coloring and learning? And so it began. 


In creating these coloring books, my goal is to provide you with a place to create and connect in ways that are as meaningful and unique as you are. It is my vision that these coloring books be not only fun, engaging and educational, but a form of reflection and self-care.  


Color in the lines, write on the lines, but think outside of the lines.

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A Word From Our Founder and Chief Creative (aka Fun) Officer 


A coloring book? Absolutely! Everyone can color. Color and creativity are not relegated to only the artistic community.  


Coloring has no rules or absolutes. Anything goes, unlike most of our daily lives. So when we sit down to color, our minds start to relax. This reduces stress and anxiety that are roadblocks to the creative process. The coloring aspect of my coloring books helps us to ‘exhale’ the tension of the day and allows us to ‘inhale’ and focus and enjoy the moment.    


Mindful Spirals are unique in that they involve both sides of the brain; the right side of the bran (the creative side) and the left side of the brain (reasoning and logic). Engaging both hemispheres of the brain allows you to develop the creativity that exists in both the artistic and intellectual aspects of our daily lives. This union brings you into harmony and balance.    


Lines for fun and discovery.


Copyright ©2021 Irene Neybert

Design by What If? Ideation


Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from Irene Neybert is strictly prohibited and monitored with DMCA.

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